Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Roomfoss Control Systems believe that modern slavery and human trafficking are gross violations of fundamental human rights. As a small business with less than 50 employees we are committed to ensuring that, in so far as it is possible, our suppliers hold the same values.

We aim to:

  • Comply with legislation and regulatory requirements
  • Act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships
  • Monitor our supply chain
  • Adhere to our core moral value of fairness for all
  • Advise employees, via this statement, of our modern slavery and human trafficking commitment


We recognize the difficulty in monitoring a global supply chain but will endeavour to ensure that the components and raw materials we use are sourced, purchased, and sold responsibly without the use of any forced, compulsory, bonded, unpaid, or child labour so that our customers can have confidence in our products.

Our goal is for every panel supplied by Roomfoss to be produced under decent conditions and that everyone involved is treated fairly.


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